Module dvt.detectron

Annotators that require installing keras and tensorflow.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Annotators that require installing keras and tensorflow.

from numpy import array, repeat, sum as np_sum, vstack
from pandas import DataFrame

from .abstract import ImageAnnotator

class InstanceAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for detecting instances of objects."""

    def __init__(self, model_name="mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x", device="cpu"):
        mname = "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        instances = self.predictions["instances"]
        if not len(instances):
            return {"instance": DataFrame(columns = [

        boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
        cls = [
            for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
        scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

        output = {
            "index": list(range(len(cls))),
            "height": img.shape[0],
            "width": img.shape[1],
            "class": cls,
            "prob": scores,
            "x0": boxes[:, 0],
            "y0": boxes[:, 1],
            "x1": boxes[:, 2],
            "y1": boxes[:, 3],

        return {"instance": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

class LVISAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for performing Large Vocabulary Instance Segmentation."""

    def __init__(
        self, model_name="mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_1x", device="cpu"
        mname = "LVISv0.5-InstanceSegmentation/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        instances = self.predictions["instances"]
        if not len(instances):
            return {"lvis": DataFrame(columns = [

        boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
        cls = [
            for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
        scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

        output = {
            "index": list(range(len(cls))),
            "height": img.shape[0],
            "width": img.shape[1],
            "class": cls,
            "prob": scores,
            "x0": boxes[:, 0],
            "y0": boxes[:, 1],
            "x1": boxes[:, 2],
            "y1": boxes[:, 3],

        return {"lvis": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

class CityscapesAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for performing Cityscape Instance Segmentation."""

    def __init__(self, model_name="mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN", device="cpu"):
        mname = "Cityscapes/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        instances = self.predictions["instances"]
        if not len(instances):
            return {"cityscape": DataFrame(columns = [

        boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
        cls = [
            for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
        scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

        output = {
            "index": list(range(len(cls))),
            "height": img.shape[0],
            "width": img.shape[1],
            "class": cls,
            "prob": scores,
            "x0": boxes[:, 0],
            "y0": boxes[:, 1],
            "x1": boxes[:, 2],
            "y1": boxes[:, 3],

        return {"cityscape": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

class KeypointsAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for detecting human body keypoints."""

    def __init__(self, model_name="keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x", device="cpu"):
        mname = "COCO-Keypoints/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        instances = self.predictions["instances"]

        cls = [
            for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()

        keypoints = instances.get("pred_keypoints").cpu().numpy()
        if not len(keypoints):
            return {"keypoint": DataFrame(columns = [

        keypoints = vstack([x for x in keypoints])

        output = {
            "index": repeat(array(range(len(cls))), 17),
            "kpname": self.mdata.keypoint_names * len(cls),
            "x": keypoints[:, 0],
            "y": keypoints[:, 1],
            "score": keypoints[:, 2],

        return {"keypoint": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        keypoints = (

        if not len(keypoints):
            return img
        for keyp in keypoints:
            out = viz.draw_and_connect_keypoints(keyp)

        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

class PanopticAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for detecting things and stuff."""

    def __init__(self, model_name="panoptic_fpn_R_50_3x", device="cpu"):
        mname = "COCO-PanopticSegmentation/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        panseg = self.predictions["panoptic_seg"]
        if not len(panseg):
            return {"panoptic": DataFrame(columns = [

        is_thing = [x.get("isthing") for x in panseg[1]]
        score = [x.get("score", 0) for x in panseg[1]]
        category_id = [x.get("category_id") for x in panseg[1]]
        area = [
            np_sum(panseg[0].cpu().numpy().flatten() == (k + 1))
            for k in range(len(panseg[1]))
        category_name = []
        for cat, thing in zip(category_id, is_thing):
            if thing:
                category_name += [self.mdata.thing_classes[cat]]
                category_name += [self.mdata.stuff_classes[cat]]

        output = {
            "index": list(range(len(category_name))),
            "height": img.shape[0],
            "width": img.shape[1],
            "score": score,
            "is_thing": is_thing,
            "class": category_name,
            "area": area,

        return {"panoptic": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        panoptic_seg, segments_info = self.predictions["panoptic_seg"]
        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        out = viz.draw_panoptic_seg("cpu"), segments_info)
        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

def _load_detectron_model(mname, device="cpu"):
    import ssl
    from detectron2 import model_zoo
    from detectron2.config import get_cfg
    from import MetadataCatalog
    from detectron2.engine import DefaultPredictor

    ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

    cfg = get_cfg()
    cfg.MODEL.DEVICE = device
    cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = model_zoo.get_checkpoint_url(mname)
    predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg)
    mdata = MetadataCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN[0])
    return predictor, mdata


class CityscapesAnnotator (model_name='mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN', device='cpu')

Annotator for performing Cityscape Instance Segmentation.

Expand source code
class CityscapesAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for performing Cityscape Instance Segmentation."""

    def __init__(self, model_name="mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN", device="cpu"):
        mname = "Cityscapes/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        instances = self.predictions["instances"]
        if not len(instances):
            return {"cityscape": DataFrame(columns = [

        boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
        cls = [
            for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
        scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

        output = {
            "index": list(range(len(cls))),
            "height": img.shape[0],
            "width": img.shape[1],
            "class": cls,
            "prob": scores,
            "x0": boxes[:, 0],
            "y0": boxes[:, 1],
            "x1": boxes[:, 2],
            "y1": boxes[:, 3],

        return {"cityscape": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]



def annotate_image(self, img)

Annotate the batch of frames with the annotator.

Expand source code
def annotate_image(self, img):
    """Annotate the batch of frames with the annotator."""
    self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
    instances = self.predictions["instances"]
    if not len(instances):
        return {"cityscape": DataFrame(columns = [

    boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
    cls = [
        for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
    scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

    output = {
        "index": list(range(len(cls))),
        "height": img.shape[0],
        "width": img.shape[1],
        "class": cls,
        "prob": scores,
        "x0": boxes[:, 0],
        "y0": boxes[:, 1],
        "x1": boxes[:, 2],
        "y1": boxes[:, 3],

    return {"cityscape": output}
def get_last_predictions(self)

Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object.

Expand source code
def get_last_predictions(self):
    """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
    return self.predictions
def visualize_last_predictions(self, img)

Return annotated image

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def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
    """Return annotated image"""
    from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

    viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
    out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
    return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

Inherited members

class InstanceAnnotator (model_name='mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x', device='cpu')

Annotator for detecting instances of objects.

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class InstanceAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for detecting instances of objects."""

    def __init__(self, model_name="mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x", device="cpu"):
        mname = "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        instances = self.predictions["instances"]
        if not len(instances):
            return {"instance": DataFrame(columns = [

        boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
        cls = [
            for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
        scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

        output = {
            "index": list(range(len(cls))),
            "height": img.shape[0],
            "width": img.shape[1],
            "class": cls,
            "prob": scores,
            "x0": boxes[:, 0],
            "y0": boxes[:, 1],
            "x1": boxes[:, 2],
            "y1": boxes[:, 3],

        return {"instance": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]



def annotate_image(self, img)

Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator.

Expand source code
def annotate_image(self, img):
    """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
    self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
    instances = self.predictions["instances"]
    if not len(instances):
        return {"instance": DataFrame(columns = [

    boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
    cls = [
        for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
    scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

    output = {
        "index": list(range(len(cls))),
        "height": img.shape[0],
        "width": img.shape[1],
        "class": cls,
        "prob": scores,
        "x0": boxes[:, 0],
        "y0": boxes[:, 1],
        "x1": boxes[:, 2],
        "y1": boxes[:, 3],

    return {"instance": output}
def get_last_predictions(self)

Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object.

Expand source code
def get_last_predictions(self):
    """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
    return self.predictions
def visualize_last_predictions(self, img)

Return annotated image

Expand source code
def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
    """Return annotated image"""
    from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

    viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
    out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
    return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

Inherited members

class KeypointsAnnotator (model_name='keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x', device='cpu')

Annotator for detecting human body keypoints.

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class KeypointsAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for detecting human body keypoints."""

    def __init__(self, model_name="keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x", device="cpu"):
        mname = "COCO-Keypoints/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        instances = self.predictions["instances"]

        cls = [
            for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()

        keypoints = instances.get("pred_keypoints").cpu().numpy()
        if not len(keypoints):
            return {"keypoint": DataFrame(columns = [

        keypoints = vstack([x for x in keypoints])

        output = {
            "index": repeat(array(range(len(cls))), 17),
            "kpname": self.mdata.keypoint_names * len(cls),
            "x": keypoints[:, 0],
            "y": keypoints[:, 1],
            "score": keypoints[:, 2],

        return {"keypoint": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        keypoints = (

        if not len(keypoints):
            return img
        for keyp in keypoints:
            out = viz.draw_and_connect_keypoints(keyp)

        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]



def annotate_image(self, img)

Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator.

Expand source code
def annotate_image(self, img):
    """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
    self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
    instances = self.predictions["instances"]

    cls = [
        for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()

    keypoints = instances.get("pred_keypoints").cpu().numpy()
    if not len(keypoints):
        return {"keypoint": DataFrame(columns = [

    keypoints = vstack([x for x in keypoints])

    output = {
        "index": repeat(array(range(len(cls))), 17),
        "kpname": self.mdata.keypoint_names * len(cls),
        "x": keypoints[:, 0],
        "y": keypoints[:, 1],
        "score": keypoints[:, 2],

    return {"keypoint": output}
def get_last_predictions(self)

Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object.

Expand source code
def get_last_predictions(self):
    """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
    return self.predictions
def visualize_last_predictions(self, img)

Return annotated image

Expand source code
def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
    """Return annotated image"""
    from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

    viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
    keypoints = (

    if not len(keypoints):
        return img
    for keyp in keypoints:
        out = viz.draw_and_connect_keypoints(keyp)

    return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

Inherited members

class LVISAnnotator (model_name='mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_1x', device='cpu')

Annotator for performing Large Vocabulary Instance Segmentation.

Expand source code
class LVISAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for performing Large Vocabulary Instance Segmentation."""

    def __init__(
        self, model_name="mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_1x", device="cpu"
        mname = "LVISv0.5-InstanceSegmentation/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        instances = self.predictions["instances"]
        if not len(instances):
            return {"lvis": DataFrame(columns = [

        boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
        cls = [
            for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
        scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

        output = {
            "index": list(range(len(cls))),
            "height": img.shape[0],
            "width": img.shape[1],
            "class": cls,
            "prob": scores,
            "x0": boxes[:, 0],
            "y0": boxes[:, 1],
            "x1": boxes[:, 2],
            "y1": boxes[:, 3],

        return {"lvis": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]



def annotate_image(self, img)

Annotate the batch of frames with the annotator.

Expand source code
def annotate_image(self, img):
    """Annotate the batch of frames with the annotator."""
    self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
    instances = self.predictions["instances"]
    if not len(instances):
        return {"lvis": DataFrame(columns = [

    boxes = instances.get("pred_boxes").tensor.cpu().numpy()
    cls = [
        for x in instances.get("pred_classes").cpu().numpy()
    scores = instances.get("scores").cpu().numpy()

    output = {
        "index": list(range(len(cls))),
        "height": img.shape[0],
        "width": img.shape[1],
        "class": cls,
        "prob": scores,
        "x0": boxes[:, 0],
        "y0": boxes[:, 1],
        "x1": boxes[:, 2],
        "y1": boxes[:, 3],

    return {"lvis": output}
def get_last_predictions(self)

Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object.

Expand source code
def get_last_predictions(self):
    """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
    return self.predictions
def visualize_last_predictions(self, img)

Return annotated image

Expand source code
def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
    """Return annotated image"""
    from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

    viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
    out = viz.draw_instance_predictions(
    return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

Inherited members

class PanopticAnnotator (model_name='panoptic_fpn_R_50_3x', device='cpu')

Annotator for detecting things and stuff.

Expand source code
class PanopticAnnotator(ImageAnnotator):
    """Annotator for detecting things and stuff."""

    def __init__(self, model_name="panoptic_fpn_R_50_3x", device="cpu"):
        mname = "COCO-PanopticSegmentation/" + model_name + ".yaml"
        self.predictor, self.mdata = _load_detectron_model(mname, device)
        self.predictions = None

    def annotate_image(self, img):
        """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
        self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
        panseg = self.predictions["panoptic_seg"]
        if not len(panseg):
            return {"panoptic": DataFrame(columns = [

        is_thing = [x.get("isthing") for x in panseg[1]]
        score = [x.get("score", 0) for x in panseg[1]]
        category_id = [x.get("category_id") for x in panseg[1]]
        area = [
            np_sum(panseg[0].cpu().numpy().flatten() == (k + 1))
            for k in range(len(panseg[1]))
        category_name = []
        for cat, thing in zip(category_id, is_thing):
            if thing:
                category_name += [self.mdata.thing_classes[cat]]
                category_name += [self.mdata.stuff_classes[cat]]

        output = {
            "index": list(range(len(category_name))),
            "height": img.shape[0],
            "width": img.shape[1],
            "score": score,
            "is_thing": is_thing,
            "class": category_name,
            "area": area,

        return {"panoptic": output}

    def get_last_predictions(self):
        """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
        return self.predictions

    def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
        """Return annotated image"""
        from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

        panoptic_seg, segments_info = self.predictions["panoptic_seg"]
        viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
        out = viz.draw_panoptic_seg("cpu"), segments_info)
        return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]



def annotate_image(self, img)

Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator.

Expand source code
def annotate_image(self, img):
    """Annotate the batch of frames with the face annotator."""
    self.predictions = self.predictor(img)
    panseg = self.predictions["panoptic_seg"]
    if not len(panseg):
        return {"panoptic": DataFrame(columns = [

    is_thing = [x.get("isthing") for x in panseg[1]]
    score = [x.get("score", 0) for x in panseg[1]]
    category_id = [x.get("category_id") for x in panseg[1]]
    area = [
        np_sum(panseg[0].cpu().numpy().flatten() == (k + 1))
        for k in range(len(panseg[1]))
    category_name = []
    for cat, thing in zip(category_id, is_thing):
        if thing:
            category_name += [self.mdata.thing_classes[cat]]
            category_name += [self.mdata.stuff_classes[cat]]

    output = {
        "index": list(range(len(category_name))),
        "height": img.shape[0],
        "width": img.shape[1],
        "score": score,
        "is_thing": is_thing,
        "class": category_name,
        "area": area,

    return {"panoptic": output}
def get_last_predictions(self)

Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object.

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def get_last_predictions(self):
    """Get last predictions as a Detectron classed object."""
    return self.predictions
def visualize_last_predictions(self, img)

Return annotated image

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def visualize_last_predictions(self, img):
    """Return annotated image"""
    from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

    panoptic_seg, segments_info = self.predictions["panoptic_seg"]
    viz = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], self.mdata)
    out = viz.draw_panoptic_seg("cpu"), segments_info)
    return out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]

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